
Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Freedom FROM Religion...

The American Spectator: "WASHINGTON, D.C, December 22, 2009 -- Both houses of Congress passed the Freedom From Religion Act last night just in time to adjourn for what is now being called the Winter Solstice recess. President Hillary Rodham Clinton says she will sign the bill 'as soon as it gets to my desk.'

'This is historic legislation,' she said in a statement. 'It finally clears up the confusion and controversy over the place of religion in modern America and it spells out the details that make separation of church and state such an important part of our Constitution.'

The bill goes into effect as soon as it is signed and, when Congress returns in January, some of the legislation's effects will be felt on Capitol Hill. For example, there will be no more chaplains in either Senate or House, and daily sessions will no longer begin with a prayer. By law, Congress will now expunge the word 'Christmas' from its vocabulary. The bill denotes that the federal holiday heretofore described as 'Christmas Day' will henceforth be called 'Winter Solstice Holiday.'

'If we had not made this change, non-Christians might have had to work on what was essentially a religious holiday,' said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

In the military, members of the chaplain corps will be reassigned to non-religious duties, with the exception of Muslims. 'They are a special case,' said Senator Ted Kennedy. "

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