
Monday, April 25, 2005

More Bigotry of the Left

Evan says this much better than I do: "Tina Brown is a hateful person. For evidence of this, look no further than her recent column discussing the election of Pope Benedict XVI. The bigotry begins right in the second sentence, and it doesn't let up:
For those of us who came to Manhattan precisely because you're guaranteed never
to meet anyone who has read the 'Left Behind' series, America's much-celebrated
spiritual revival can have its trying moments.

While this is obviously hyperbole, all hyperbole is built upon what the writer believes is an underlying truth. In Tina Brown's mind, anyone who has read any of the 'Left Behind' religious-themed books is not someone she even wants to meet. Now, I don't consider myself a religious person, but I will admit a sympathy for them, since it seems that the religious are one of the few groups left in America that it is acceptable to openly despise. Maybe my sympathy stems from my experience in college, where this straight white male learned real fast that I was an 'oppressor' who could be blamed personally for events that occurred centuries ago.
Virtually every time a person of faith is shown in pop culture, for example, it is for the purpose of ridicule. This, of course, would not be acceptable were any other group consistently disparaged in such a way, but Tina Brown and her colleagues in the business of creating pop culture have no problem demonstrating their open scorn of religious people. There's not even a word for those who, like Tina, hate religious people. Hate black people? Okay, you're a racist. Hate gay people? A homophobe. But what are you if you hate the religious? Maybe a liberal, if we are to take our cues from Tina Brown.
One of the greatest hypocrisies of the cultural left is that they demand tolerance and acceptance from everyone but themselves. I guess it's human nature to harbor irrational disdain towards "the other" among our fellow man. But I have a real problem with the liberal scolds who harangue others about tolerance while displaying so little of it themselves. "

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