
Saturday, July 30, 2005

Pro-American Art Display in CA: No Taxpayer Funds Required!

Move America Forward hosted a display of patriotic art on Thursday in Sacramento, California outside the office of the State Attorney General who used taxpayer funds to display and publicize offensive, anti-American displays on state property. Had I made a contribution to the pro-American displays, the following would have been my inspiration.

A young Iraqi holds a sign which says "still safer here than at Michael Jackson's!"

Captured in Iraq is this poster of Saddam Hussein shown celebrating the atrocities of September 11th. Of course he only offered bin Laden sanctuary in Iraq, money and WMD training, but no discovered DIRECT link to the attacks (yeah, right!).

Senator Ted Kennedy said in January that the U.S. was "losing the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. Ask this Iraqi what he thinks."

Liberals TALK about making a better world for children. Republicans deliver."

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