
Monday, June 25, 2007

Mike's America Live on Internet Radio Tuesday!

UPDATE: I had a great time speaking with Dee, aka "Little Miss Chatterbox" this morning on her radio program "Conservatism with Heart."

The show will re-air today, check the comments section here or Dee's web page for more info if you want to listen in.

We did have one caller, Matt, a supporter of presidential candidate Ron Paul. It sounded like Matt had seen my post: "Would Ron Paul Style Appeasement Work?" Matt echoed Ron Paul's words from the SC debate where Paul suggested "we listen to the people who attacked us and the reason they did it."

But apparently Matt, like Ron Paul and his supporters, failed to take into account the full reasoning behind bin Laden's jihad. Bin Laden's letter to the American people in 2002 goes beyond demands that the U.S. abandon Israel and totally withdraw from the Middle East and ALL Muslim lands (basically that includes much of Europe too).

Binnies letter is absolutely clear. Until we abandon the freedoms and protections of the U.S. Constitution and submit to being ruled by Sharia Law the jihad will continue.

I realize that those who are in denial think that bin Laden's goal is a laughable threat forget that the attacks on September 11th killed nearly 3,000 American citizens and Al Queda has been trying hard to repeat those attacks.

I also pointed out to Matt, as I have a number of times here, that jihadis in Thailand have murdered hundreds of Buddhist Monks who also failed to submit to Sharia Law as the Islamic radicals define it. Last time I checked, Buddhist Monks in Thailand are not part of the Zionist/American Imperialist conspiracy.

Matt, if you're out there, appeasement doesn't work. It's only a sign of weakness that encourages evil men to grasp for more. Winston Churchill made it very clear that the appeasement of Hitler at Munich created the conditions which made the fall of France to the Nazis possible. The Czechs had a strong army which could have held enough German armed divisions in the East to even the odds in France.

Students of history recall how that appeasement worked out and are loathe to repeat that lesson.

Dee (aka Little Miss Chatterbox) has invited me to join her on the "Conservatism with Heart" radio program between 10:30 and 11AM on Tuesday.

We'll be discussing a range of topics and I also look forward to any Mike's America readers (even lefty moonbats) who want to call in.

Dial toll free: 1-877-864-4869 if you want to join the conversation.

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