
Sunday, February 06, 2011

Happy 100th Birthday Ronald Reagan!

One of the greatest American Presidents!

larger image at Tampico Historical Society
TAMPICO TORNADO news excerpt dated Feb. 10, 1911. "John Reagan has been calling thirty-seven inches a yard and giving seventeen ounces for a pound this week at Pitneys store. He has been feeling so jubilant over the arrival of a ten pound boy Monday." Which was the birhdate of President ROnald Reagan on Feb. 6, 1911, delivered by Doc Terry on the coldest night of the year during one of the worst blizzards ever remembered. As written in the TAMPICO TORNADO. "On Sunday a driving snow storm came from the east and continued most of the day. After the wind and snow spent their fury and left many places and highways impassable, the rural mail carriers declared that some farmers ought not to be given the benefits of rural delivery and after much shoveling and bucking the local train, known as the Dummy or HY&T only got 2 miles out of town that day.
And a reminder that to protect his legacy we must refight and win again the same battles he fought. He showed us the way and it worked!


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