
Sunday, January 30, 2005

Iraq Vote Victory, Shame for Democrats

In a recent speech, Senator Ted Kennedy reminded Americans that history teaches many lessons for those willing to learn.

Just ruminate on this: Kennedy and Democrat opponents of the war on terror called Afghanistan "a quagmire, another Vietnam" only weeks after we launched operations to oust terrorists from that hijacked country. Two years later, women previously viewed as property on the status of the family goat were among the millions who voted for the mere chance of freedom and a life without terror or tyranny.

Many of these purveyors of doom and gloom have gone silent on Afghanistan, but cut and pasted the same defeatist "quagmire" rhetoric in their bid to undermine U.S. success in Iraq.

Sunday, millions voted for an end to the nightmare which has gripped that country and the region for decades.

Democrats like Senator Kennedy, who claimed in the same speech that we are "losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people" and "the U.S. military presence has become part of the problem, not part of the solution" should be ashamed.

These defeatists would abandon Iraq to a thirty year man-made disaster whose human toll of tragedy, horror and death eclipses that of the Asian Tsunami by a scale of ten fold.

To call our policy in Iraq a "shame and stain on America's good name as a beacon of human rights" as Senator Kennedy did, is repugnant to the honor and sacrifice of those who have given so much to achieve the progress which America and the world witnessed with this election.

The lesson of history is clear. Next time you hear Senator Kennedy and the sky is falling wing of the Democrat Party speak: consider the source. None of the great accomplishments in this nation's history were easy. And few of them would have occurred at all if the mindset demonstrated by these Democrats had prevailed.

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