
Friday, July 22, 2005

London Terror Bomber Wears New York Pullover. Is There a Message Here?

One of the four failed London Bombers on Thursday, July 21 wears a pullover jacket or sweatshirt with "New York" emblazened on the front. Ominous warning or taunting the September 11th victim's families? Let's catch this guy and send him to Guantanamo and find out. Photos of the other suspects are here.

Readers from Thursday's Mike's America will recall the story linking the mastermind of the London 7/7 terror attack to activity in the United States. From that earlier news excerpt I neglected to include the fact that he also spent time in New York before heading to Oregon and Seattle. Last Saturday, I ran excerpts from the news story linking the 7/7 bombers themselves to radical Islamists in New York by phone records.

New York City has already started random searches of subway riders looking for explosives. But at what point do we discuss, then implement more effective measures of rooting out this cult of death? Do we wait UNTIL the next attack in this country when all the liberals will bellow "It's George Bush's fault, IRAQ..." Or do we go beyond random searches and begin taking more active and effective measures that use our limited resources to target the threat?

Taking those active measures is sure to draw similar catterwalling from the looney left, but those people are becoming increasingly irrelevant and should be ignored. No matter what we do, they won't like it as along as a Republican is in the White House. But the primary responsiblity of our government is the safety of our people, not handholding a bunch of handwringers who seek to handcuff the good guys!

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