
Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's National Security, Stupid!

It's NOT the Economy Stupid!

In New Orleans after Katrina, Army General Honore cautioned the news media "Don't get stuck on stupid!" The media and many Democrats seem to wallow in stupidity when it comes to Iraq.

Mike's America readers have become familiar with the well reasoned comments by Old Soldier and it is an honor to have him contribute a longer recitation of his thoughts on this all important issue. I'm also pleased to share Old Soldiers bio at the bottom of this post. Awarded the Legion of Merit and multiple other decorations means he has more than earned the right to be heard. And next time some Chicken Dove gives you grief, just print this post out, wave it in their face and ask them how they have served this country.

It's National Security Stupid!

by John Yetter, aka Old Soldier

A political party once adopted the mantra, "it's about the economy, stupid'" as a national campaign motto or slogan and was quite successful because, at the time, the economy really was a concern of the American people. Well, today, it's not about the economy - that's doing great. It's about national security; and the very same party that coined the original phrase has decided to ignore the people's paramount concern by playing politics and reducing the issue to "the war in Iraq." Well, it's not about the war in Iraq, either; it's about national security, stupid.

The Democrats are being unbelievably partisan to the point of actually behaving in a treasonous manner; to the point of being dangerous to the security of this country. Through their diversionary and divisionary tactics, Democrats are attempting to override the paramount national security concern through less significant issues: Bush lied, about weapons of mass destruction, a reprise of Vietnam, Iraq is a quagmire, demands for Iraqis to assume responsibility for its own security, and on and on. To a certain extent, the Democrat's rhetoric is beginning to work, because to the detriment of national security the war focus seems to be narrowing to Iraq. It certainly helps to have the main stream media acting as their megaphone; echoing their destructive divisive rhetoric.

Folks: Iraq and Afghanistan are but two fronts in our war against radical Islamic theology; a theology that fuels, funds and carries out acts of terror against any and all perceived enemies. Their enemies are any religion or ideology that does not conform to their radical interpretation of Islam including other Muslims. Bin Laden, al-Zawahiri, al-Zarqawi and many more Islamic leaders want the world ruled by Taliban-like elements under the control of regional caliphates. History is replete with persons and ideologies that aimed to rule the world, so this threat must be taken seriously.

Radical Islamists will not tolerate; alcohol, sexual impurity, gambling, other religions that attempt to convert Muslims, science, the arts, representative government, free enterprise, individual freedom and liberty much less women's rights - basically our way of life. These radicals will only accept Sharia law. From infidels they require Dhimmitude (a subhuman subservience to Islam accompanied by a tax) or death. Should this be taken as a serious and direct threat to our way of life? Absolutely; it should and it must be dealt with immediately. We cannot afford to let the radical Islamic terrorists expand even just slightly. This is most assuredly a threat to our national security; our national identity.

How do we counter this threat? We counter it with unwavering dogged tenacity; offensively seeking it out and destroying it before it has the chance to organize an offensive strike upon us - again. Strategically, a war is won by denying the enemy the ability to mount offensive operations. This is done by denying resources or by breaking the enemy's will to fight. I don't see breaking the will of radical Islamic terrorists, but we can certainly mount successful campaigns to deny their ability to mount offensives.

We are doing that in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are facilitating Islamic nations with free representative governments. Once they become matured free nations, they will no longer tolerate the radical factions. Freedom and liberty have endearing and enduring effects. Freedom is contagious; the peoples of surrounding nations will see the freedom and liberty and demand it for themselves. Each free Islamic nation denies the terrorists a stronghold from which to recruit, financial support and locations within which they can conduct training. They are denied what they need to mount offensive operations.

The Democrat's irresponsible political tantrums attempting to focus the people to some smaller ancillary facet of this overall war threatens the very support needed to win this war. It directly undermines the very heart of this nation. Their dissenting comments foster hope in our enemy that we will cave and withdraw. It also sends a very clear message to our brave troops that their mission is not important; that the blood they leave on the battlefield is of no matter; that their comrades' lives were expendable. This is the height of arrogance and elitism within the Democratic Party. The House GOP was right to force the Iraq Withdrawal vote to make the Democratic representatives put up or shut up. Overwhelming (99.3%) the vote supported not withdrawing. Now, THAT sends a message to our troops!

There are legitimate complaints about how this war is being prosecuted (a subject for another time). But our focus must remain on defeating radical Islamic terrorism because it is a matter of national security. The Democratic Party must put aside obstructionism and diversion in the matter of national interests. It is imperative that we maintain a staunch unified resolve to defeat our enemy. Once our nation is secured, then we can squabble about political differences. Right now the secure future of this nation, the future for your children and grandchildren are at stake. Whether a seat in the House or Senate is gained or lost should be secondary to our national security. National security must be paramount to all the political parties within this country.

Signed, John Yetter, aka Old Soldier, U.S. Army Chief Warrant Office Five and Master Army Aviator (retired)

Post Notes:

I want to make it absolutely clear, that while I perceived the Democratic motto, "it's about the economy, stupid" was aimed at the voters, my application of the term "stupid" is directed at the Democratic members of Congress and their national party leaders. Regarding the issue of national security today, the people get it; they know the importance of national security to the future of this country. Their representatives should also "get it."

I also want to make it crystal clear that I DO NOT categorize all Muslims as being radical Islamic terrorists, nor do I condemn the religion of Islam. I do condemn those who teach, preach and foster the radical ideals of any religion; especially the radical employment of violence and terror. There are a billion Muslims in the world and only a very small fraction of the whole commits terrorist atrocities in the name of Islam. Many Muslims are victims of this tyranny even more so than we in the West.

About the author:

Old Soldier is John H. Yetter; a blue blood Yankee born and raised in CT who joined the U.S. Army in 1967. As an Army Warrant Officer and helicopter pilot, he served in Vietnam, Korea, Italy, a covert intelligence mission in Central America, the First Gulf War, and several stateside assignments. He retired after 31 years active service, achieving: the rank of Chief Warrant Officer Five, and the status of Master Army Aviator. Awards include: the Legion of Merit, 3 Bronze Stars, 3 Meritorious Service Medals, 11 Air Medals, 3 Army Commendation Medals and many more decorations. He currently continues supporting U.S. Army Aviation programs as a defense contractor working in South Alabama.

Tracked back to Don Surber's Open Post weekend and California Conservative.

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