
Monday, April 05, 2021

No Social Distancing at Biden's Migrant Children Concentration Camps

Gee, maybe most of that virus scare shit was just made up! You could be arrested for not wearing a mask or going to church. All because Biden the Illegitimate tells you we need to save lives and protect the children. 

Well, while children who are U.S. citizens cannot go to school for fear of the virus Biden is packing thousands of illegal alien children into detention centers designed to house hundreds. Conditions are beyond inhumane. But this is BIDEN'S AMERICA:

More at the Daily Mail.

Illegitimate Biden did this. It's his policies that created the problem. Where are all the Democrats who cried about Trump putting kids in cages? They didn't care about kids then and they don't care about them now. Any more than they care about blacks or women or anyone else. Trump had the border under control in a humane way and Illegitimate Biden threw it all away!

1 comment:

Living is easy with eyes closed said...

Apprreciate you blogging this

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