
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Poll: Biden's Leadership Responsible for Ukraine Mess and High Gas

No one is being fooled by increasingly desperate White House spin! Harris Poll:


Flash Gordon said...

USA Today has named Rachel Levine one of their “Women of the Year.”

She truly worked her balls off in order to achieve this prestigious honor.

Louise said...

My question for today is Why is Biden SO HUNG UP on transgender?
And WHY is Secretary of State Antony . Blinken Flying the Rainbow Pride flags on the same pole as the American flag at embassies and consulates
missions all over the world on the same flag pole as the American flag.Richard Levine, posing as a woman, and calling himself "Rachael Levine". Biden just appointed this nutjob to the second highest job in HHS, and made him a 4 star admiral in something.
Richard Levine is still a man, despite calling himself Rachel Levine. He has X and Y chromosomes in every cell of his body, which can never change. He also, more than likely, has his family jewels intact. So despite popular opinion he is a man, not a woman.
Why any mother would let Levine near her kids is a mystery. But that question aside, Biden thinks the The Man in High Heels is just right for the job.
Said the leader of the party of science, which denies the biological reality of sex:

Dr. Rachel Levine will... meet the public health needs of our country

Really ? So we "need" to have a total lunatic teaching college students about psychiatry (Levine does) and giving medical treatment to children. WOW, is this country ever messed up right now.

And then there’s Sam Brinton, the looney tune drag queen that Biden just appointed to a top job in his Dept. of Energy, handling nuclear waste disposal.
Yes folks, this a MAN ...Sam Brinton is a drag queen, a critic of gay conversion therapy, and an LGBTQ+ activist who has lectured on kink at college campuses and participated in interviews about fetish roleplay.

And we are not through yet, then tere is Shawn Skelly Biden's Tranny Looney pick for the important DOD job, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness >>

Don't be fooled folks! This is a MAN folks...This crap is ridiculous and left loons know it.

Look, I see it all the time in my professional life. Gay, and transgender people, leveraging their gayness or their gender identity in order to gain promotions in companies seeking diversity. Sometimes, it is obvious, that transgender people are faking it. But it is just as wrong to deny someone a position because of their sexual identity, It is absolutely correct to deny someone a position because of their "gender identity", because if like you> they think in terms of "gender identity" (which there is no such thing) they are nuts.

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