Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bob Dole Joins Fellow GOP Loser McCain in Endorsement of Romney

Birds of a feather.....

One of Mitt Romney's claims is that he is the more electable of GOP candidates. Voters in South Carolina disagreed but Romney is repeating the same claim in Florida.

Thursday, former Senator Bob Dole, the failed Republican nominee for President in 1996 joined Senator John McCain the failed Republican nominee in 2008 by endorsing Mitt Romney and trashing Newt Gingrich.

Being surrounded by two big time losers should hardly be reassuring to GOP voters looking to beat Obama. Neither Dole, nor McCain had the "right stuff" to do the job in their respective races. Their endorsement of Romney might lead some to believe that despite Newt's faults he wouldn't fight the election with one hand tied behind his back like McCain, Dole and potentially Romney.

Two more tidbits:

ROMNEY:  'I Want to Help the 99 Percent,' is what he said in a radio interview this week. After the condemnation that Newt received for "using the language of the left" in his attacks on Romney's actions at Bain Capital will the same people now come forward and condemn Romney for aping the Occupy Wall Street crowd and validating Obama's clas warfare rhetoric? Don't hold your breath!

Newt and Reagan closer than Romney would have you believe. Mitt Romney has absolutely NO TIE to the Reagan era so naturally he's gone after Newt who at times was critical (like many other conservatives) of the slow pace of conservative change during the Reagan era. But to say that Newt has no tie to Reagan's legacy is absurd, as this video by former First Lady Nancy Reagan attests: "Ronnie handed the torch [of conservatism] over to Newt."

Newt's web site also has multiple links to other stories chronicling his close association with the Reagan Revolution.

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