
Friday, March 08, 2013

Is This What Obama Calls Good Economic News?

The Stock Market may be up and unemployment down slightly, but to the millions who lost their jobs since Obama became President and remain unemployed, the news is hardly cheering!

Obama's rich Wall Street friends may have something to cheer about with the Dow Jones at record highs (the higher it goes the further it crashes). But what about the Middle Class? The February Jobs Report is slightly better but what does that really mean? Not much.

 at the American Enterprise Institute reminds us of how bad the news remains for millions of Americans with two charts:

Unemployment: What Obama's economic plan promised and what it delivered
If the unemployment numbers counted the millions who have
given up looking for work  the true figure would be double digits.
Millions fewer working means less economic output, lower tax revenues and higher government costs for social services. If this is what Obama calls economic recovery we need to try something different!
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