Want proof that Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) filibuster was a success? Look no further than Senator John McCain's (R-AZ) strong disapproval. I had my own run in with Senator McCain on the matter of filibusters in 2007 so I know how strongly he feels about the issue. But McCain was wrong then and he's wrong now. You don't win by being on defense or so afraid of being criticized for speaking out on important issues that you mute your disagreement with the Obama Administration.
In one step Rand Paul took the fight to Obama in a way that the media cannot ignore or misinterpret. And for standing on principle he got the thanks of conservatives as well as libertarians and at least one Hollywood liberal. All of whom are concerned about the erosion of civil rights which is occurring during the Obama regime.
Once Sen. Paul began his filibuster other senate GOP fighters rallied to his cause:
Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah did the most to help, with Mr. Cruz at one point holding the floor for a single question that lasted 50 minutes. [Also supporting Rand Paul on the Senate floor were:] Marco Rubio of Florida, John Cornyn of Texas, John Barrasso of Wyoming, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Tim Scott of South Carolina, Jeff Flake of Arizona, John Thune of South Dakota and Mitch McConnell, the GOP floor leader.Buzzfeed reports:
"There was a hell of a lot of team play tonight," a senior GOP leadership aide said Thursday morning, acknowledging that Paul's filibuster had given the GOP a much needed jolt of energy. "Everybody's in a three-point stance, helmets on and ready to fight," the aide said.Phillip Klein, Senior Editorial Writer at the Washington Examiner said: "Paul’s filibuster is probably the most galvanizing moment for conservatives since the election." I'll go along with that. It makes you think that if GOP leaders actually got together and spoke with one voice more often they might break through the media firewall that protects Obama.
Most of all, what Sen. Paul showed is that there is no need to fear taking a principled stand in opposition to Obama Administration policies. What John McCain and establishment GOP insiders have forgotten is that a defensive strategy is not a winner. You only win on offense!
UPDATE: Politico has the inside story of how Rand Paul managed his filibuster.