
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Congressman Murtha: Cindy Sheehan in a Suit!

You really have to wonder about the sanity of some of these defeatist Democrats when they start behaving like Cindy Sheehan in a suit. It would seem that doing the intellectual equivalent of Cindy Sheehan in drag would be demeaning to a Congressman who claims to be such a venerated war hero and recognized media authority on national security.

But maybe it just that same glare of the floodlights that causes people like Congressman Murtha to put on the pink thoughts and parade in a manner that seems to grow ever more absurd.

The latest? His joint appearance with fellow Congressman "The Jews are to blame for the Iraq war" Moran. They played the old sage two step in pink duet at a town hall meeting for Moran's constituents in Arlington, Virginia this past Thursday.

Murtha's most newsworthly contribution to the event was his worry that we might be winning: "a slow withdrawal which makes it look like there's a victory." Murtha repeated his insistence that "We've become the enemy" and insisted again that his proposal for an immediate withdrawal was the only option.

The event was widely publicized by groups like (which apparently has YET to MOVE ON) and was part of an organized "Out of Iraq" campaign conducted over the next few days. No doubt it was one of these attendees who raised the question "Bush and his cronies [are] criminally negligent [in the run-up to the war in Iraq]. With this criminal negligence going on, why shouldn't you impeach Bush/Cheney?"

Two Veterans Speak Truth to Murtha

At least two Americans, one a veteran of Vietnam, the other a veteran of Afghanistan, did manage to make their way to the microphones so that the view of Americans who support their nation's victory in war might be heard.

First up was General Wagner (bio) a veteran of Vietnam. General Wagner had received a copy of a letter addressed to Congressman Murtha from a mother whose son was in Iraq. She was concerned that Congressman Murtha's statements on Iraq were encouraging the terrorists and putting Americans at risk. General Wagner learned the day of this event that her son had been killed in Iraq. Michelle Malkin has the video of the General's remarks here.

You will want to hear all the general remarks; this should whet your appetite:

"I think it's a disgrace when members of our Congress --just as they did in 1975 when they sold out the south Vietnamese--are selling out our soldiers today in Iraq!"

Next, Addressing Congresspersons Moran and Murtha Sgt. Mark Seavey made his point ( Michelle has video here):
Transcript from Mudville Gazette:I keep hearing you say how you talk to the troops and the troops are demoralized, and I really resent that characterization. (applause) The morale of the troops that I talk to is phenomenal, which is why my troops are volunteering to go back, despite the hardships they had to endure in Afghanistan.

"And Congressman Moran, 200 of your constituents just returned from Afghanistan. We never got a letter from you; we never got a visit from you. You didn't come to our homecoming. The only thing we got from any of our elected officials was one letter from the governor of this state thanking us for our service in Iraq, when we were in Afghanistan. That's reprehensible. I don't know who you two are talking to but the morale of the troops is very high.
Readers may recall that in November, Murtha said "I like guys who've never been there who criticize us who've been there." Well Congressman, here are two men who WERE there. Murtha had no response and sat stone faced.

Murthaisms: Stealing All the Best Sheehan Lines

Here are a few other choice bits from Sheehan in a suit:

  • The Army is "broken, worn out" and "living hand to mouth."
  • "Would you join (the military) today?," he was asked in an interview "No" Then asked if people should reconsider joining "Exactly right."
  • "Very small proportion of the people that are involved in the insurgency are terrorists or how I would interpret them as terrorists. " (WashPost)

Sheehan's gig didn't sell. Sheehan in a suit isn't selling. The only defeatist who has sold anything to the American people was Michael Moore!

Mudville Gazette has more retrospective on Murtha including the response by Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Flopping Aces has an article by Oliver North with links over to Scott's Conservative News & Commentary (Scott is especially irate over the slam against joining our military). Aldaynet describes the defeaticrat "bitchslapping" at Morons town hall meeting.

Political Teen has the "scoop" that Murtha is being smeared by the Bush Administration. Why should Bush bother? Murtha is doing such a good job smearing himself.

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