
Saturday, March 26, 2005

Tyranny of the Left's Socialist Religion

How many news stories and commentators have you heard bemoan the power of "the religious right" and their desire to control the lives of all Americans?

Isn't this really a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

After all, the left and their secular religion of state control continues to dominate the American landscape. The high priests of this church are the liberal media, academia and the faceless bureaucrats in government. Along with their acolytes in the left pressure groups they have their finger on every aspect of American life and seek to extend that grip on power at any cost.

Need some examples to help you understand how pervasive the left's religion is in American life?

How about the sad case of Teri Schindler Schiavo. Leftist media is attacking "right wing Christians" for their efforts to see that no further injustice is committed against the disabled Mrs. Schiavo. In fact, not even Florida Governor Bush, who has the power to commute court mandated death sentences and pardon convicted felons, has the power to overturn the judges ruling here which rests solely on the husband's late discovered claim that his wife would not wish to live the way she does.

It is a left leaning judicial system that ignores state officials and the wishes of the Schindler family in a Taliban like support of the husband's rights. Note:who appointed the federal judge that refused to intervene? Hint: name starts with "C" and there was NO senate filibuster of his nomination by right wing Christians.

And isn't the unprecedented senate fillibuster of President Bush's judicial nominees a perfect example of how the far left seeks to assure that only those who meet their standards of ideological malleability will be considered?

Need more? Leftist environmental theology seeks to dominate the way Americans live and the economic opportunity they enjoy by controlling access to energy, land and natural resources. It's not about saving the whales here folks and the people who will be most impacted by the higher costs of production for all goods, services and real estate are the poor, the same group the left always claims is foremost in their minds.

In education, the left mandates that you cannot pray in a public school for risk of offending someone, but the same school can offer coursework in understanding Islam as a demonstration of our diversity. On college campuses the catechism of leftist theology is enforced with a vengeance on conservative students. The message to those who might wish to join the faculty is also clear: conservative professors need not apply for most posts.

I shouldn't even need to mention the liberal theocracy which has controlled the major outlets of news and information in this country. These high priests of left wing orthodoxy are most hysterical as the signs of their media power ebbing away become all the more apparent.

I could go on... and on... and on....Of course the reason we hear so little about this tyranny of the left's statist religion is that for so long it was merely accepted as the status quo. Well not anymore... Conservatives are here to demand some tolerance for the diversity of viewpoints other than those expressed by the left. And we will accept nothing less!


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