
Saturday, April 23, 2005

Quick Reads

Whew! The previous post was a long one, but I decided to keep at that story until I got it right. Here's a few quick reads that caught my attention:

  • Senator Ted Kennedy's brother in-law, Ray Reggie, a long time fundraiser for the Democratic Party is convicted of bank fraud and conspiracy. Reggie also raised money for the Clinton's and stayed overnight in the White House. The story gets even better... Reggie supposedly was wired as part of a plea deal get information on illegal fundraising. He also was arrested for posing as a police officer, using a blue light on the top of his car to pull over a carload of young girls (was Bill Clinton with him?)
  • Nancy Pelosi, Democrat House MINORITY Leader is called upon to prove that she isn't guilty of the same thing she is attacking Tom Delay, House MAJORITY Leader of doing. How's it feel Nancy?
  • Here's a roundup of conservative bloggers who support the nomination of John Bolton to be Ambassador to the United Nations: I had to get in there and post a few comments. Some leftist weanie said it was bad Bolton was a meanie... But what you bet this same guy saw nothing wrong with Hillary Clinton throwing ashtrays and lamps at Bill Clinton... come to think of it... I didn't see anything wrong with that either... and if Bolton were to throw a few lamps at Kofi Annan I wouldn't complain.
  • I was too busy to comment earlier on Secretary of State Rice's whirlwind world tour where she did such an excellent job representing our nation. She was in Russia this week and put in another stellar performance. She speaks Russian and took part in a radio talk show to demonstrate the belief that democracy and press freedom are vital to Russia moving forward.
  • Anyone who is not brain dead (this leaves out our lefty pals, but they're back in their caves this week) knows that Social Security is in trouble. An even bigger problem may be Medicare which is eating up the federal budget faster than Democrats can raise taxes. In seventy years Medicare will cost 60 TRILLION DOLLARS! Democrats need to come up with some real ideas to help solve this and other problems, just stopping Bush isn't going to cut it.

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