
Sunday, June 19, 2005

Sean Penn In Iran: A Journalist?

Readers may have seen the news that actor Sean "Baghdad" Penn is in Iran "reporting" on their "election" (starting to pick up where this is heading?).

You may recall all the brou ha ha that erupted after it was learned that a "reporter" at a White House press conference DARED to toss President Bush a slowball regarding his political opponents. The guy was tarred AND feathered. He was not a "journalist," not properly accredited, had no right to be there, blah, blah, blah.

So now Sean Penn, actor, Journalist and all around appeaser to genocidal dictators , is in Iran to "report" on their "elections."

But The People's Cube has uncovered SHOCKING EVIDENCE as to what the actual nature of Mr. Penn's visit may be... to visit his FATHER FOR FATHER'S DAY!!!

Sorry People's cube, I hot-linked to your photo, but it's Father's Day and I have to call my Dad, so didnt' have time to go through the rigamarole of posting it directly.

But anyway, back to my point: If you have to be an "accredited" journalist before you should be permitted to ask questions and report. What qualifications does Penn have? Well, if you mean by "accredited" that he's a card carrying America hating socialist, you have your answer.

After all, it's common knowlege by now that standards for professional performance, like conduct, ethics and hate speech were ONLY meant to be applied to Republicans.

Thanks to Trey at Jackson's Junction for pointing towards The People's Cube. There is MUCH good stuff at the Cube and I can't wait to dig further. Michelle Malkin on "Hannity and Colmes" last Friday triggered the "fake" reporter connection. I wish she had blogged it, but hey... Michelle: Mike is willing to take up the slack anytime!

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