
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Left Wing "Truth Squads" Sow Mike's America Lie on Other Blogs

I'm flattered really. The notion that some squealing socialist thinks my blog so persuasive that he would choose to represent himself as me at another blog is, well, flattering.

At "4 rows back in the bleacher seats" otherwise listed as left field perspectives, a comment on the nightmare of the Gaza pullout claimed to be "Mike" and listed Mike's America as his blog address and said the following:

"Good thing Bush is a huge proponent of the Gaza Strip pull out ...see what lies do to people Mr. Bush? "

I ask you, my good readers, does that sound like me?

We've long ago learned that the people who claimed "Bush lied" are so reality challenged that no objective measure of truth stands in the way of their employing any falsehood to advance their agenda of defeat and appeasement. They are schooled by the master, Michael Moore, heir to Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels. Any lie that advances the cause is a good thing for them.

Here is a link to the comment stream at 4 rows back f you care to weigh in.

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