
Saturday, October 01, 2005

Where Do Commies Come Up With Their Comments?

Ever since the communists marched in Washington, D.C. last weekend, we've had an influx of stalinists at Mike's America who still don't realize the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and communism and it's kissing cousin socialism were repudiated by millions. Have you ever wondered where they come up with their commie clap trap? Now we have the answer, The People's Progressive Truth Generator.

Similar to the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat, you can find at Moonbat Monitor and elsewhere, the Progressive Truth Generator has more appeal to the apparatchik class of useful idiots and commie stooges.

Punch in Mike's America and you're likely to get this reply:

"Mike's America, you are an exploiting warmonger because you dare to question "the truth" as promulgated by your radical college professors! "


"Mikes America, you are a flag-waving hillbilly because you think the UN is corrupt!"

AMAZING! Nearly identical to some of the garbage that's been spewed by socialist oppressors of the proletariat right here on these very pages.

Click on the page view above and try it for yourself.

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fsg053d4.txt Free xml sitemap generator