
Friday, November 25, 2005

Economy Booming? State Funding Up? Who Knew?

The economy is booming and states are flush with cash to help the poor and underprivileged? Wow! Who knew? Last thing I heard from the moonbat colony is that we're all going to hell in a handbasket. You think the moonies will change their tunies?

States' Coffers Swelling Again After Struggles - New York Times: After four years of tight budgets and deepening debt, most states from California to Maine are experiencing a marked turnaround in their fiscal fortunes, with billions of dollars more in tax receipts than had been projected pouring into coffers around the country.
The windfall is a result of both a general upturn in the economy and conservative budgeting by state officials in recent years, and it is leading to the restoration of school funding, investments in long-neglected roads and bridges, debt reduction, and the return of money borrowed from cities and counties.

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