
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Democrats Teach the World to Hate America

The New Victorian always seems to find some of the most unique and interesting commentary that I don't see elsewhere.

He struck gold with this commentary on how Democrats fuel the anti-Americanism that seems endemic in much of the world. Here's a sample:

Could it be because, in places where the only Americans they'll ever see are in Hollywood movies made by leftists, the Democrat makes sure the villain is never an Islamic fascist terrorist and always an American, an American corporation or an American government agency?

Could it be because when Michael Moore makes a movie that the Democrats know to be a lie-filled, hate-filled anti-American propaganda flick but those in other places might not, the Democratic Party leadership makes sure to smile for the cameras of al Jazeera and give the film a standing ovation and their endorsement of its message?
Ask yourself, Al Gore, how much less might the world "hate" us if, in some of your speeches not all, maybe just one or two, you called Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat or Kim Jung Il "Nazis" rather than always attacking your fellow Americans who dare to think lower taxes actually stimulate the economy as "digital brown shirts.

You will want to read the whole thing here.
Imagine how much quicker we would win the war, with many fewer unnecessary deaths, if Democrats, Hollywood and the lamestream media actually supported the effort to win and united with us towards that common purpose?

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