
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Fakes, Phonies and Fools: More Lies About Bush and Patriot Act/NSA Spying

By now, it should be pretty clear to anyone not afflicted with a moonbat disorder that the Patriot Act/NSA spying stories are just so much blather about nothing. Just another desperate attempt by Defeaticrats with their lamestream media allies to smear President Bush and undermine our efforts to be effective in the war.

Early on, I asked if this was such a great injustice would the media please provide just ONE example of an ordinary American citizen whose rights and liberties were wrongly infringed? Sure, we nabbed a bunch of terrorists, including the loon who planned to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge. Had any of these whackos succeeded, we can only imagine how the Defeaticrats would be howling about how Bush failed to protect us. But where are the examples of abuse?

Well, Senator Edward Kennedy (Defeaticrat-MA) found one. In an op-ed he wrote for the Boston Globe (sister paper owned by the New York Al Queda Times) he cited the astonishing story of Federal agents knocking on the door of a University of Massachusetts Dartmouth student who had requested a copy of Chinese Communist leader Mao's Little Red Book:

Just this past week there were public reports that a college student in Massachusetts had two government agents show up at his house because he had gone to the library and asked for the official Chinese version of Mao Tse-tung's Communist Manifesto. Following his professor's instructions to use original source material, this young man discovered that he, too, was on the government's watch list.

Think of the chilling effect on free speech and academic freedom when a government agent shows up at your home -- after you request a book from the library.

Just one little problem: The story turned out to be a hoax! Another in a long series of lies by people who will use any means to smear President Bush.

Yes, the same folks who insisted the "fake but accurate" phony Bush National Guard documents at CBS were the smoking gun to expose Bush as a liar were only too eager to swallow this one too. Just as they were eager to accept the letters of a poor little girl whose father was killed in Iraq.

A little note to those who willingly propagate these continuing falsehoods: Embracing fakery, phoniness and fools is an abysmal and appalling disservice to the much needed debate on life and death issues that this nation faces. You should all be ashamed if you were capable of registering that emotion.

And before I leave this subject, a postscript: I have noticed a fair number of hits coming to Mike's America on the basis of an internet search with the phrase "Joshua Sparling hoax." This references a post on the hate card sent to an injured soldier at Walter Reed Hospital, a TRUE story that also discusses the hoax of the little girl who lost her father in Iraq. I'm sure there are plenty of deluded Defeaticrats out there who would love to hear that the Sparling story is false and that the UMass Dartmouth student or little girl story are true. Too bad they don't invest their energy into coming up with positive contributions to our nation in this time of trouble.

Once again, Defeaticrats prove they have no ideas, no plan, nothing but lies, bitterness and hate. Very sad!

Thanks to Moonbattery for pointing me to this gem of indifference to veracity.

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