
Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Victory Strategy for Al Queda?

President Bush tonight laid out a VICTORY strategy for Iraq and notes that "we are winning."

Yet, too many in this country seem determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, not just in Iraq but also in the wider war. It's these folks who think that BUSH and our military are the problem and that we need to bend over backwards to be nice to terrorists. These are the folks who support the Al Queda bill of rights proposed by Senator John McCain. These are the folks who think that the leak of a non-covert CIA agent is a high crime, but the leak of the most supersecret national security program to track terrorists is fine and dandy.

We've got a problem in this country and it goes beyond a red state/blue state divide. Flopping Aces synthesized the problem in a series of posts which I excerpt here.

Plotting The Demise Of America:From a comment at Protein Wisdom: "I believe that the majority of those on the left and a good number of libertarians believe, quite simply, that we aren't at war; or that if we are, its "war" instead of war, and besides, it was based on lies so it really isn't a war. Also: Halliburton. And anyway, we started it.
If you begin with the assumption that, say, the New York Times thinks the war on terror and the war in Iraq are just a bunch of bullshit, then this kind of reporting makes complete and perfect sense. Same with Dean's and Murtha's and Pelosi's and Kerry's pronouncements.
They've seen that their constituents can absorb a 9/11-style attack, and they've seen that the victims of such attacks become even more resolute in their hatred of George Bush and Republicans.

If I'm a terrorist, feeling all bummed by my comrades getting greased along the Euphrates, I'm really trying to find a silver lining. Fortunately, the infidels are cooperating:

- I now no longer need fear any kind of physical coercion; the Dems have basically put me in the same position as Nigel Tufnel's guitar: It's never been played. Don't touch it. Don't even point. Don't even look at it.

- As a potential martyr, I know I won't need to comply with a treaty I never signed; I won't be incarcerated for much more than a fortnight; I won't be returned to my country of origin; and I won't be placed in some allahforsaken Caribbean gulag where they pee within 20 feet of my plastic-encased Koran.

- I also know that if the kufr find my Blackberry, they can't really do much about checking on my contacts at Harvard and Georgetown. I?ll lose my speed dial to Ahmenedijad and Dana Milbank's (or is it Dana Priest's?) e-mail address, but I can always rebuild my contacts list.

It's great. I get all the benefits of being an American citizen and still get to plot its violent demise.
Flopping Aces followed that up with "Democrats Too Busy Defending Terrorists from America."

In that post he quotes My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy:

This latest outrage with the f#@%ing New Qaeda York Times exposing classified information, and the paranoid idiots that love stories like this for their own selfish reasons?I'm furious. First, they complain that the pre-911 intelligence was faulty (which it WAS) or that the Bush administration (and curiously, only the Bush administration) ignored the "obvious" signs of a potential attack. The 9/11 Commission CRITICIZED the NSA for not conducting surveillance, for Chrissakes! Then, when something is done to plug the holes?The Patriot Act, the NSA's watching people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations, etc., then these same ENEMIES OF THE STATE scream bloody murder.
I'm not sure I even have words to describe my utter frustration with the interferences thrown in to every single f#@%ing thing we have to fight this war on Islamofascism whether it's the media disguising opinion as "news," the lies they and idiotarian BLOGGERS spread, the ridiculously overblown hysteria over interrogation methods, the insane paranoia over the USA Patriot Act, the exposure of REAL classified information, the spreading and feeding of terrorist propaganda, the bats@#t f@#%ing crazy "anti-war" (NOT) lunatics (yes, I do mean batsh*#t! you people ARE out of your minds and obviously immune to history and logic), and the disgusting disloyal political opposition led by the likes of Ted "Chappie" Kennedy* and John F'n Kerry and Al-Q Gore and other losers with an axe to grind, no matter the human cost.

I cleaned that up a bit, but you get the idea. The Defeaticrats are not only clueless, they are dangerous.

Flopping Aces goes on to cite that Senate MINORITY (what a nice word when attached to Defeaticrats) Leader Harry Reid was informed of the supersecret NSA plan to monitor terrorists, as were other members of congress.

He goes on to question where the outrage from these Defeaticrats was when we learned that the Clinton Administration had bugged abortion foes, including "Roman Catholic Cardinal John O'Connor of New York, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Feminists for Life, the National Rifle Association and the U.S. Bishops Conference of the Roman Catholic Church. Many of these targets were explicitly Christian and openly opposed to anti-abortion violence."

At the same time Al Queda was ramping up it's plans to attack America, The Clinton Administration was building a wall to prevent law enforcement from sharing information on terrorists. Instead, law enforcement agencies were told to go out and bug churches.

But the piece de resistance (a bit of French lingo for our Defeaticrat surrender monkey friends) is this response Flopping Aces found to Senator Reid's call for a probe to investigate the NSA program of which he was fully informed.

Let's Probe:Let's probe why the CIA doesn't mind a covert agent divulging her identity to a casual sex partner.

Let's probe why sworn members of congress can travel to Baghdad to stand in solidarity with Saddam as we are moving our troops to engage him.

Let's probe why a US Senator would travel to Syria, Iran, Lybia, Yemen and Qatar to warn than the the Iraq invasion was eminent.

Let's probe why a defense department contractor was allowed to sell missle guidance technology to China and why it is now being transferred to Iran.

Let's probe why the 9/11 commission omitted valuable information and excluded key witnesses to issue a false report of our defense administration prior to the NYC attacks.

Let's probe why the Fitzgerald grand jury never interviewed key witnesses such as Plame herself, her husband or the reporters involved.

Let's probe why US Senators on the intelligence committee leak top secret information to the media when they want to try to damage our President and our defense capabilities.

Let's probe who ordered the Sandy Berger shredding mission.

Let's probe who tried to squelch the Able Danger team.

Let's probe every single page of the BARRETT REPORT.

As always, Curt at Flopping Aces covers a story he covers it like asphalt on a freeway. Great job Curt!

The only way to combat defeatism by the Defeaticrats is to DEFEAT THEM in 2006 and beyond. It's going to be a tough election, and conservatives already sick of compromises may be called upon to make more. But the stakes are too high to waver, or sit this one out.

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