
Friday, January 13, 2006

Democrats "Clean the House" Team Has Dirty Hands

This from Brit Humes' Special Report "Political Grapevine:"

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Thursday announced the formation of the "Clean House Team" to "address the Republican culture of corruption" on Capitol Hill. Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina, who is praised in the press release for a commitment to a high ethical standard, will head the task force.
But as it turns out, it was reported back in May that Clyburn took a trip to the beautiful Northern Mariana Islands in the Western pacific back in 1997... that trip paid for by none other than the disgraced Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Meanwhile, a former aide to Democratic Rep. William Jefferson of Louisiana (New Orleans),
recently pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting bribery of a public official. Jefferson, who commandered Katrina rescue workers to take him to his house and remove a large box, is also under investigation by the FBI for public corruption. In a raid on his New Orleans home, a large stash of cash was found in his freezer.

But Nancy Pelosi, in her demand for new investigations as part of her "clean house" campaign did not also call for the investigation of Jefferson, nor any other Democrat.

Notice the difference? Democrats engage in more one way fingerpointing while covering up their own corruption. Republicans take action to replace ethically-challenged leadership.

At the news conference, Pelosi added: "It's hard for the American people to understand how corrupt it is here." Yes, Ms. Pelosi, and when will you be stepping down for being found guilty of violating Federal election law?

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