
Monday, March 13, 2006

Democrats Revert to Anti-Victory Strategy

You wondered what the next media generated anti-Bush hysteria would be? Here goes:

After two weeks of claiming that we couldn't take the risk by allowing the leases of a handful of terminals at six ports to be owned by Arabs, Democrats have reverted to form with Senator Russ Feingold taking the lead.

Feingold is feeding the moonbat base of the Democrat Party by proposing a censure of President Bush for his actions to monitor the overseas phone calls of Al Queda contacts in the United States.

That's right. We couldn't take the risk that one of our allies would be involved in one of our ports, but we sure don't want to spy on the phone calls of Al Queda cells already in the U.S.

Does it get confusing? Not really. Just keep in mind that whatever President Bush is FOR, these folks are AGAINST.

And I strongly encourage my conservative friends to avoid being manipulated by these charlatans in future.

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