The GBU-28 "Bunker Buster" (larger image here).
From World Tribune:
The United States has approved an Israeli request for "accelerated deliveries" of precision-guided air munitions to Israel.
Officials said the Bush administration approved an Israeli request for bunker-buster weapons days after the outbreak of the Hizbullah war on July 12. They said the Israel Air Force concluded that its heavy air strikes on Hizbullah strongholds around Lebanon have been ineffective.
Officials said the Israel Air Force failed to destroy Hizbullah headquarters in southern Beirut. On July 19, Israeli F-15I and F-16I fighters dropped 23 tons of munitions on Hizbullah's command and control bunker, but failed to destroy the hardened facility.
"The administration and Congress already approved the PGM sale," an official said. "We're talking about accelerated deliveries."
More specifications here via Global Security.Org
Israel might also want to consider a few more purchases:
AGM-88 HARM anti-radar guided missile foreground, GBU-28 Bunker Buster, B61-11 the nuclear version of the Bunker Buster and BLU-82 "Daisy Cutter" fuel air explosive.
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