
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Dems and Media Whine About "Katrina" Style Evac of US Citizens from Lebanon

Well it didn't take long for the professional grievance pushers in the Democrat Party and their friends in the media to latch onto the U.S. effort to evacuate Americans from Lebanon.

But as you see in the image above and below, the evacuees aboard the US chartered Orient Queen cruise ship are being well cared for. And all at taxpayer expense due to complaints from evacuees that they actually pay for transportation to Cyprus.

Democrats and News Media Talking Points on Lebanon Evacuation:

  • JACK CAFFERTY CNN: Remember Katrina? France has gotten more than 700 of their people out!
  • CHRIS JANSING MSNBC: Sort of brought back, you know, the whole Katrina thing.
  • ANDERSON COOPER CNN: It's like Katrina all over again.
  • NANCY PELOSI: Just another manifestation of the Katrina mentality.
  • HARRY REID: It is too bad that this is being treated as a mini Katrina.
  • ANDREA KOPPEL CNN: The slow response that the Bush administration had after Katrina...
  • MILES O'BRIEN CNN: One of the people we talked to earlier today equated it to...Katrina!
  • KATE SNOW ABC: Some in Capitol Hill are bringing up memories of Hurricane Katrina. DAVID SHUSTER MSNBC: The image of Americans terrified has burned the Bush administration before following Hurricane Katrina.
  • PAULA ZAHN CNN: You have heard Katrina, calling it "a mini-Katrina."

Next time some lefty insists there is no media bias favoring Democrats just print this post out and shove it in their face.

Perhaps we should have sent New Orleans Mayor, Ray "School Bus" Nagin over to Beirut to lead the effort. What's next? A demand for FEMA debit cards so the evacuues can hit the duty free shops and stock up on liquor and porn? Will we now have to provide them with free hotel rooms for the next nine months?

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