
Saturday, July 08, 2006

Newt 2008?

The informal poll for 2008 Republican Presidential candidates is below with the post regarding a possible Giuliani candidacy. Remember, you have five votes to assign to any potential GOP candidate or candidates.

Since Giuliani got first mention, I thought it only fair to give some equal time to another potential candidate, former Speaker of the House, and probably the smartest man in the bunch, Newt Gingrich.

From an interview with Newsweek, posted at Newt.Org:
Newsweek: Are the Democrats squandering their opportunity?

Newt: Somebody from the [Washington] Post called me today and said they were very struck that the Democrats had just lost the language war over this debate on . He said, "What would your advice be?" I said, "Change policies." This is a core problem they have. ... I don't think you can write a Contract with Vermont and San Francisco . I think the problem the Democrats have right now—you see it in the most important primary this year, the Joe Lieberman election. Al Gore has refused to endorse his vice presidential running mate. A party which is so driven by its left that—I don't know if you saw the blogger meeting in Las Vegas ? From the standpoint of an average American, some of that stuff was weird. Candidates out there run a risk of resembling the people they're trying to appeal to. Normal people I think become distanced by that stuff. I think the Republican Party has few allies more effective than the Daily Kos. It puts them into an echo chamber of listening to each other. There was a reason [2004 Democratic presidential nominee John] Kerry looked normal—because Howard Dean looked so strange. So you have Dean as national chair, you have Gore coming back as a true left winger to Hillary's left, you have Lieberman unacceptably pro-national security, you have Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco... Let's drop Nancy Pelosi into a typical exurban swing district and see how she does. You listen to her talk and it's all about the counterculture, unilateral disarmament type of babble.
You will want to read the rest here.

Thanks to The City Troll for suggesting this particular gem.

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