Both Security Watchtower and Vital Perspectives are reporting on the Israeli commando raid into the Bekka Valley of Lebanon where Hezbollah is smuggling in rearmaments from Syria and Iran. Not much detail from Israel on the raid; apparently the IDF is doing the usual poor job of public relations.
Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Useless Nations, Kofi Annan has condemned Israel for this action which he claims is a violation of the ceasefire.
If you visit the UN page which lists all of Kofi's mutterings regarding the Middle East and the current conflict, you'll find statement after statement condemning Israel and only one teensie-weensie little note about Hezbollah's aggression in starting the conflict.
Readers will also be hard pressed to find ANY statement by Kofi regarding the weapons that Iran and Syria have been supplying Hezbollah and which enabled them to begin their month long rocket and missile assault on Israel.
Surely Kofi must have seen this report on missiles being loaded aboard a plane in Iran bound for Damascus then on to Hezbollah? Fortunately, that shipment was blocked after U.S. surveillance spotted it on the runway.
Kofi's off to the region this week with visits planned for both Iran and Syria. Perhaps he will even manage to be in Iran on August 22 when the mad mullahs celebrate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq. A date that has some worried about an Iranian desire to unleash the apocalypse.
I wonder if Kofi will get around to asking the crazies who run Iran and Syria to behave themselves and not send such nasty weapons over to Hezbollah? I'm not holding my breath.
But at least Kofi's term expires in 133 more days. Now that should be a date to celebrate.