
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Best of Bloggers 2006 Part Four

Yesterday, I summarized the posts relating to Islam that bloggers submitted for our 2006 look back. Before we move on, one final thought comes from Skye at Midnight Blue. It's a response to the letter addressed to the American people from Iranian President Amadjihad in which he basically invites the American people to convert to Islam or else.

Hitler Jr's Open Letter to the American People

It seems Hitler Jr is a big hit with the DU/DNC crowd. I wonder if they had input into the crafting of this letter written by the president of Iran?As a citizen of the United States, let me respond to this 'letter':

Dear hitler jr. Mr. Ahmadinejad,

Allow me to quote from two women of your own culture who posses a deeper understanding of peace and Islam than you will ever know:

Golda Meir:
"We will have peace with Islamofascists when they love their children more than they hate us."

Irshad Manjii
"Courage is not about being free of fear, Courage is the recognition that some things are more important than fear. One of the things that's more important than fear, to me, is justice."

Put more simply: Bite Me.

Love and Kisses,

Skye (MidnightBlue)

P.S. God Bless the United States of America - God Bless President George Bush!

Win the War. It's the Right Thing to Do!

Skye's spirit of defiance and determination is one which many of our fellow bloggers share and express in a variety of ways, especially as it relates to our present conflict in Iraq. The stakes are high. Not just for the Iraqi people, but for us as well. Should be not prevail there, it will be much more difficult to undertake any necessary mission elsewhere in the long struggle to free the world of radical Islam. Recalling Ronald Reagan's simple strategy for winning the Cold War "We win, they lose" we have no choice but to win.

War evokes many moral questions as well. And with the daily drumbeat of defeatim coming from Democrats, many have asked the question: "Is it worth it?" Gazing at the Flag answers that question by posting a letter (PDF here, page 11) from Chaplain (1st Lt) Raymond Leach of the US Army's 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 34th Infantry Division (1/34 BCT) also known as the Desert Bulls.

Chaplain Leach answers the question this way:

I would never say this is a holy war. I couldn't even tell you exactly why we are in Iraq. There are certainly any number of nations across the globe that find themselves terrorized by dictators, held in oppression, in need of a superpower
to set them free. Why are we here and not there? I don't have all the answers. I do know this. For we as Americans, living in a very wealthy nation where even our poorest are better off than three-fifths of the rest of the world, where eating out of the dumpster would be considered a feast by over two billion of our human sisters and brothers, it is good for us to be here, making a sacrifice on behalf of the downtrodden and impoverished.

I would go so far as to say that it is a godly thing we do, perhaps the most godly thing we have done as a nation for some time.

I believe that God gives resources and power to someone with the expectation that he or she will use those gifts to better the lives of others. How would God feel if God looked down on us and saw us hoarding these resources to ourselves, unwilling to step out and risk our personal comfort and safety to help widows and orphans stand up to the bullies and criminals on the block? I think God would be very disappointed, if not angry.

Is it all worth it? Yes. Without a doubt. To sacrifice is to find the true meaning of life in this troubled world. Sacrifice brings a new perspective, one that does not take so many things for granted. A time of sacrifice leads one to welcome and embrace the comforts and safety of our great nation with a more grateful heart. Sacrifice develops character, and a greater willingness to help others rather than live a self-serving and ultimately unfulfilling life. This is a good thing we are doing. We are making a positive difference.

It is worth it!

In two previous parts of our 2006 look back, I cited the thoughts of Dr. Walid Phares suggesting that confusion regarding our goals, purposes and achievements in Iraq is undermining the American people's commitment to this worthy undertaking.

A number of posts submitted accurately identify the source of this confusion: The News Media.

"News" Media and the War: Do They Want Us to Win?

First, let's get the opinion of one of our soldiers in Iraq on the role the media is playing (courtesy Gazing at the Flag): "The troops here are really really getting tired of the media coverage from the networks trying to throw the elections - it pisses us off because they are not reporting the truth." (Note, said soldier is currently working on his Master's Degree while in Iraq.)

Aside from the endless reporting of the relatively few, but no less tragic mass killings being conducted by Al Queda and the same Saddamites who committed these acts against the Iraqi people for decades, a new phenomenon has appeared in Iraq:

Getting the News from the Enemy

Chicken Hawk Express reminds us of the alleged Haditha "massacre" where suspect Reuters reporters were key media "witnesses:"

Two Reuters' reporters with questionable ties to terrorists, both arrested at the same time and both with their fingers in the Haditha story... Now tell me again why I should believe anything reported in the media concerning Haditha, much less Iraq?

And let's not forget that Reuters "reporters" were also found to be putting out fake photographs and "news" from another alleged tragedy at Qana in Lebanon. Quite a pattern here.

So no one should be surprised when Curt at Flopping Aces asked questions when the horrible "news" was flashed worldwide that Sunnis were burned to death outside a Mosque in Iraq.

Just one problem. The "source" for this "news," said to be one Captain Jamil Hussein of the Iraqi Police, can not be found and no record of anyone with that name has ever served on the Iraqi Police force.

But of course once the "news" of either alleged horror makes scream headlines across the world few if any bother to inquire whether the events which are "reported" are true. As Winston Churchill once said: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

"News" Media: Can't Tell the Truth, Can't Keep a Secret

Another problem with the media is the open violation of any standard of confidentiality meant to protect the nation's secrets in a time of war and ultimately the lives of Americans who may be put at risk by the unwarranted disclosure of secret information. How many stories were there last year where some top-secret program or report was leaked with political benefit falling to the Democrats?

Old Soldier recounts one such example here:

Recently, I came across quoted references in a comment stream at a conservative blog. The commenter provided the link; I assume to dispel being accused of making stuff up. Imagine my surprise when I noticed "(S), (S/NF) and (U)" preceding paragraphs in the quoted material. Knowing that (S) specifies the material is classified SECRET, (S/NF) specifies the material is classified SECRET NO FOREIGN NATIONALS (or NOFORN), and (U) specifies UNCLASSIFIED, I immediately clicked on the provided link. There in all its glory was the complete classified report resulting from the US Army investigation of the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuses. All the classification symbols were still in place indicating that this was not a Freedom of Information (FOI) query product with redactions. It also was not a declassified version of the report.
I will venture an unsubstantiated guess and say that the "leakers" are most likely politically motivated and that they are not conservative or Republican. Why would I venture such a guess? ...because, all the leaks target the administration of President Bush. They are designed to impede his ability to protect and defend America or to cast a very poor light upon him. In a sick perverted way, the "leakers" probably fashion themselves patriots; disclosing the wrong doings or misdoings of this administration. In reality they are only serving our enemy a gluttonous portion of material for propaganda to continue to incite their radical base and turn world opinion against America. To me that does not qualify as patriotic.

Have readers picked out another common thread in the tapestry of our discussions? The media not only encourage law breaking in reporting secret information that is of immense propaganda value to our enemies, but they readily accept without question, the propaganda being offered by enemy agents posing as "reporters" or "news sources."

Conservative Intelligence Report looked at the secrets angle of this topic this way:
If you ask any good operative or military advisor what the most key parts of National Defense and Military success are, my money is on "secrecy." It is terribly important that everything is not disclosed. For many that are anti-defense budget, that creates a fuss. This secrecy is required to incorporate new projects and/or weapons, any actual battle plans, and of course intelligence. What most don't realize is that it is not just the file of intelligence that needs to be protected it is how you built that file.

That sentence should have all the civil rights advocates jumping up and down and getting their privacy lectures ready. You can spare them on me. With the constant screaming about "oversight" it becomes hard to get things done. With all the complaining about the failure of Katrina recovery due to bureaucracy I would think you wouldn't want that to happen with the US Armed Forces in the event of an attack. I am quite sick of those around that demand oversight, then would not be open to it themselves. There is no pleasing anyone with this argument because whoever has the position of oversight will be told they are not doing enough, or disclosing enough. What it boils down to is every ultra-oversight mentality person wants to personally look into the DoD, NSA, DIA, CIA, DOJ, DARPA, CENTCOM, and on and on.
How Politicians SHOULD Handle the "News" Media

With all our frustration about the "news" media reporting regarding the war, Conservative Intelligence Report recalls one shining example of a politician, or in this case a politicians wife, putting it to a media representative in terms even they can understand. Lynne Cheney, wife of Vice President Cheney asks Wolf Blitzer of CNN: "Do you want us to win?" after CNN ran a terrorist propaganda film showing the enemy killing an American soldier.

I could replay this once a day all year and ask the same questions Mrs. Cheney raises:

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