
Friday, January 05, 2007

Left Wing Kooks Assure Re-Election of SC Senator Graham

The South Carolina Political Hotline linked to this moonbat Nut Kos at the Daily Kos, otherwise I would never have known:

TARGET 2008: Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
by BillORightsMan

Daily NutKos
Sun Dec 31, 2006 at 01:54:07 AM PST
As we close 2006 and look forward to next year and the 2008 presidential election cycle, let's not forget so quickly Howard Dean's 50-state Strategy as we set our sights on the next national election in 2008.
I have personally identified my No. 1 Target in the US Senate: one absolutely vile Lindsey Graham.
Make no mistake, Lindsey Graham is a First-Class Crusader and will be a vocal minority voice in the Senate Committee on Armed Services - Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Technology Terrorism and Homeland Security and the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs. ...

Of course, this one post, on one blog, in the entirety that is "the internets" may not amount to a hill of beans.

Well let's hope that last paragraph is the only bit of reality that leaked through that bilge. The last thing Conservatives in SC want is for Senator Graham to become a target of the loony left and thus assure his re-election.

Ever since Graham participated in the unconstitutional "gang of 14" which prevented Republicans in the Senate from ending the unprecedented filibuster of ALL of President Bush's judicial nominees, Conservatives in this state have been wondering if we made a mistake by electing Graham. I sent my own letter of concern to Graham, which you are welcome to read here. My concern is that the last thing South Carolina needed was a John McCain Jr.

We prefer the less flashy, Senator DeMint, who seems to do a better job of remembering who elected him in the first place. But of course this "Bile'oRights" guy wants DeMint's scalp too. Good luck pal! We Southern natives don't "cotton" to you moonbats coming on down here and polluting the place with the multicultural politically correct ideology you've used to cripple our Yankee cousins.

While I very much appreciated Senator Graham's defense of Judge Alito (Mike's America posts here and here )in his nomination for the Supreme Court, It seems Senator Graham wants to please everyone, and thus pleases no one. South Carolina conservatives have consistently blasted Graham:
  • Graham defended his participation in the "Gang of 14" insisting that it would help the Senate get back to "doing the people's business. And he specifically mentioned that the nomination of John Bolton to be the permanent Bush Ambassador to the United Nations was one such example where we would now move forward. How'd that work out Lindsey?
  • Graham joined his mentor McCain in applying the Geneva Convention rules to terrorists who themselves never followed those rules of warfare.
  • Again following the lead of his master mentor, Graham supported the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill which basically amounts to a fast track to citizenship for a new underclass of immigrants who have little if any interest in assimilating and becoming American.

And of course Graham inserted himself into the debate over NSA terrorist monitoring at a time when the momentum at this crucial period in the final weeks of election 2006 was with the GOP. His action deflated the political momentum which could have made the difference in deciding control of the Senate in a handful of key races.

Conservatives in South Carolina have lots of reasons to question whether they wish Senator Graham to be their standard bearer in the 2008 Senate election. But the last thing we need is some Nut-Kos moonbat saying the same thing. Which may explain why he did it. Graham's the best friend these people ever had in SC.

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