
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Welcome San Francisco Chronicle Readers!

chap1I have to salute the courage of SF Chronicle Columnist Cinnamon Stillwell, who today wrote a story about the hate-America indoctrination of children in SF public schools using the comic book "Addicted to War" citing our post on February 13.

Ms. Stillwell aptly names this effort "Comic Propaganda" and goes on to accurately describe this "textbook" as "anti-American and anti-capitalist ...America is made out to the undisputed bad guy of the world, with no redeeming qualities and a military bent only on conquest and destruction. "

Cinnamon, who blogs here (drop by and say hi) has obviously drawn a big target on her back for the peace fascists who will not tolerate any dissent from their scheme to defeat America and subject us all to the real evils which threaten our nation.

But looking at her list of recent articles at the SF Chronicle, I'm confident she understands what she is up against.

Using Public Education for Left Wing Indoctrination is Nothing New

Al Bore's scaremongering in "An Inconvenient Truth" is being force fed to students as if it were accepted fact. At progressive web sites like Common Dreams, you'll find techniques for increasing the propaganda value of this message by doubling it up with even more over the top scaremongering polemics like "Oil on Ice" which threatens dire consequences if we drill for oil in ANWR and undermines efforts at U.S. energy independence.

Do you think the same public schools will permit the showing of "The Great Global Warming Swindle" (You Tube Video here) or the words of the native INUPIAT people who live in ANWR?
We all know the answer to that: HELL NO!

So why do we continue to pay taxes to support schools which insist they have the right to indoctrinate students with far left political beliefs?

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