
Saturday, June 02, 2007

America: Salute the Red, White and Green?

A poem from Scarlett, Mike's America Poet Laureate

Red, White and Green

Last night I dreamed
The strangest dream.
I had a dreadful fright.
I dreamed our flag
Waan't red, white and blue
But red and green and white.

I dreamed I couldn't
Be understood.
They spoke a tongue not mine.
Across our border
They came by the millions
Line, after line, after line.

I dreamed July 4th
Was just a date.
Our children will never know
The pride we felt
In our flag that day.
Now it's Cinco de Mayo.

Then I awoke.
It's just a dream.
Congress would NEVER permit
our land to die
our values to crumble.
It's just a dream. Isn't it?

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