
Monday, June 04, 2007

SC Bloggers Encouraging Fred Thompson Candidacy!

Run Fred Run!

Many of us have been underwhelmed by the current crop of GOP presidential candidates. We like one candidate or another but it always seems we're being asked to compromise on one or more of our core issues to get strong, principled leadership on another.

That's natural in politics. It's the "art of compromise" after all. But after years of warily watching as President Bush compromised with Democrats only to get stabbed in the back later most of us would prefer a candidate where less is more when it comes to compromising with Democrats and watering down core beliefs.

When potential presidential candidate Fred Thompson told a Virginia Republican audience "It's like the American people are waiting for us...They're waiting for us to remember why we're doing what we're doing, about the ideas that inspired us, to remember who the leaders were that inspired us" it was like a bolt of truth shot across the skies of our political landscape.

Inviting Thompson to Visit SC Lowcountry

I've said before that I do not intend to endorse any candidate at this early stage. I'm hoping that more of them will make the trek down to the SC Lowcountry and give more of us a chance to meet them face to face. I'm hoping Thompson will visit the area soon as well. It's called the SC Lowcountry because if the land were any closer to sea level we'd be under water. But we're also the best representative of the New South with many communities and thriving economies that did not exist twenty years ago.

Invitation to SC Bloggers

As noted in the post below, John Fund remarks that Thompson "plans to use new technology in innovative ways that include everything from the Internet to distributing videos to cell phones."
I'm sure I speak for many of my SC blogging friends when I say we look forward to participating in a campaign that taps our blogging expertise.

I invite my fellow SC bloggers to join me in encouraging Fred to run and working to build a network of bloggers ready to play an important and interesting new role in campaign 2008.

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