
Monday, January 14, 2008

Huckabee's Misleading Mailing on Immigration Endorsement

This arrived in the mail Monday:

Larger image here.

Larger image here.

While Minuteman Founder Gilchrist has endorsed Huckabee, the Minutemen who are actually building the border fence and manning border outposts has NOT!


Via Marc Ambinder, here's the press release from the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps:

Real Minutemen Do Not Endorse Huckabee.

No National Minuteman Group has endorsed Mike Huckabee.
One individual Minuteman has personally endorsed him.

For the sake of clarity, it is important to note that the Minuteman
Civil Defense Corps (MCDC), the nation's largest Minuteman organization,
is a 501(C)4 non-profit organization and cannot and does not endorse any
candidate for public office. MCDC is not associated with Mr. Jim
Gilchrist, who today endorsed Mike Huckabee for president.

Jim Gilchrist’s erstwhile Minuteman Project is itself an organization
which by its own representations as a non-profit civic group cannot
legally endorse candidates. It does not have any volunteers who observe
illegal border activity. It has no border fence building projects. Jim
Gilchrist here speaks only for Jim Gilchrist, he does not speak for the
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, nor is he nationally representative of
most patriots in the "Minuteman movement" – who under no circumstances
could ignore the failed record nor endorse the duplicitous “plan”
recently rolled out by candidate Mike Huckabee. The national media needs
to recognize that Jim Gilchrist’s endorsement is his own personal
statement, nothing more.
The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps isn't the only immigration group to profoundly disagree with Huckabee's weak stand on immigration:

Illegals foes reject nod to Huckabee
By Jerry Seper
Washington Times
December 13, 2007

..."Mike Huckabee is pro-amnesty and favors a path to citizenship for illegal aliens currently in the U.S. that would require a lifting of current penalties," said William Gheen, whose 25,000-member Americans for Legal Immigration sent mass mailings yesterday to more than 300 pro-enforcement groups.

"Huckabee has released an immigration plan that contains the deceptive 'touch back' provision that the pushers of amnesty tried on us in Washington this year," he said. "He wants to trick the nation by having illegal aliens leave for a day to pick up new papers at an office set up across the border and then walk right back."
Bob Wright, who heads the Patriots' Border Alliance, another Minuteman splinter group, said although Mr. Gilchrist helped move the issue of illegal entry into the U.S. "to it's rightful place on the national stage," his endorsement of Mr. Huckabee "is at best disturbing."

"While I believe it is possible for a professional politician to change his mind on a subject as he becomes more informed, I have serious doubts that is the case with Huckabee," Mr. Wright said. "His past rhetoric about the goals of Minutemen everywhere has been vicious — parroting the tired and discredited foolishness that an American citizen's desire to see the law enforced is somehow racist or xenophobic."
Even Huckabee endorser Gilchrist has had second thoughts about Huckabee and with the Huckabee campaign walking away from Gilchrist's insistence that Huckabee supports ending automatic citizenship for babies born to illegals, I wonder if the above mailing wasn't rushed out a bit too soon.

McCain, who is just as weak as Huckabee on immigration and amnesty faced protesters from the Young Americans for Freedom at Michigan State University on Sunday, January 13th. The day before he was booed on his immigration ideas at the Americans for Prosperity Summit held Saturday in the Detroit suburb of Livonia.

Huckabee and McCain.... Both WRONG on immigration!

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