
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Amidst Sadness Comes Gladness

Happy Easter!

Early in my musical education I learned to play Bach's "In Dir Ist Freude" which translates roughly to "In thee is gladness Amid the sadness."

The music portrays the comforting promise behind the Easter season which guarantees that the gloom of winter and the sadness of death witnessed in Christ's cruxifiction will be lifted soon.

The promise has already been fulfilled in the garden at Mike's America where this display is just part of the ongoing miracle of rebirth:

Those who have enjoyed the Pie Jesu in the post below, may also wish to hear this version, which I find to be even more sublime:

And I hope you'll understand if I share with you one more photo of my cat Hobbes who left this world for a better place on St. Patrick's Day.

Hobbes, Washington, DC, 1992

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