
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

House "Blue Dog" Democrats Cave on Health Care

They got their 30 pieces of silver. The rest of us will be crucified!

The "Blue Dogs" in the House Democrat caucus caved in to pressure today and signaled they would no longer block health care "reform" legislation from moving forward. Their price? $100 billion in cuts from a bill set to cost a $trillion and up.

As Gomer Pyle used to say: "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!"

There were a few other changes in the bill which while welcome, do not overcome the fact that this will be another massive intrusion by the federal government into health care and it will accelerate the financial collapse of Medicare and Medicaid.

The one good point in today's agreement is that no vote will take place until Congress reconvenes in September. That will give Americans time to understand how dangerous even this watered down Democrat bill is.

My fear is that the majority of voters will be so relieved that the original socialist makeover of health care was defeated that they will be ready to accept the socialist-lite version which is hardly an improvement.

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