
Monday, September 28, 2009

Socialists Repudiated in German Elections. Will U.S. Follow the Lead in 2010?

It was a victory for tax cutting, pro-business, labor union reform that swept the field in Germany!

German Chancellor Angela Merkel savors conservative victory.

Results in this weekend's parliamentary election in Germany has achieved what some in Europe call a "resounding triumph" for conservatives. One which saw the Social Democrats (socialists), who were part of the former governing coalition with Merkel, getting beat worse than at any time since World War II.

Merkel can now govern without compromise with socialists. All of this on a low tax, pro-business, labor reform platform!

Merkel's victory follows on the trend in other western governments like Italy, France and Canada (Britain may soon follow in the next six months).

The aberration among western governments is the 2008 U.S. presidential election.

The world and our friends are turning to tried and true conservative solutions. How much longer until we join them?

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