
Friday, December 18, 2009

Marco Rubio: A Conservative Worthy of Hiring for Florida Senate

He's pulled even in polls with powerhouse RINO, FL Gov. Charlie Crist!

I often listen to WOKV AM-690 from Jacksonville, Florida whose signal carries well up the coast here to Hilton Head Island, SC. One day,I was shocked when I heard the following ad from Florida Governor Charlie Crist who is now running for the U.S. Senate in 2010:

Sounds good hunh? So why was I shocked? Because it was only February that Gov. Crist was playing cheerleader for Obama and praising the failed stimulus bill:

What's worse, now Crist is lying about his support of the stimulus and Obama.

So the question is: do you trust a guy who embraces Obama when it's popular and then lies about later? Do you think he would be a reliable conservative voice in the U.S. Senate? Besides, conservatives won't forget that it was Crist who was key to McCain's victory in the Florida 2008 presidential primary which sealed his nomination. Mark Levin hasn't forgotten. His commentary on Crist is biting.

There is a solid conservative alternative!

Marco Rubio, 38, former Speaker of the Florida House, is also running for the GOP nomination for the 2010 Senate seat (campaign web site). In the latest polls he has pulled even among likely Florida GOP voters with statewide powerhouse Crist. Born to parents who immigrated from Cuba, Rubio speaks fluent Spanish and would be a valuable GOP asset in attracting more Hispanic votes. It's also a nice change to have someone who is not a gray haired old man representing the face of the future of the GOP.

I would encourage conservatives who long complain about the lack of true, viable, conservative choices to put their money where their mouth is and back Rubio with a contribution to his campaign. If we must take back the Republican Party, I can't think of a better place to start!

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