
Sunday, January 02, 2011

House GOP Set to Repeal Obama Care, Cut Spending, Stop Regulatory Excess and Investigate Corruption

They are coming in with all guns blazing!

Repeal Obama Care

One of the first acts after the new GOP Congress takes office this week will be the vote to repeal Obama Care. A vote is planned some time before Obama delivers the State of the Union Address on January 27th. Incoming GOP chairmen from various congressional committees were all over the news shows on Sunday promising to fulfill what many voters see as a sacrosanct campaign pledge.

Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., who will take the helm of the House Energy and Commerce Committee believes the vote to repeal will gain broad bipartisan support. "You will remember when that vote passed in the House last March, it only passed by seven votes,” he told an interviewer on Fox News Sunday.

While some see the vote as largely symbolic, as there isn't much chance the Senate will go along with repeal or that Obama would sign it if they did, Upton and other top GOP chairmen are ready for the next step. Readers may recall how determined the soon to be dethroned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was to ram through health care no matter what:
"We will go through the gate. If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in. If that doesn’t work, we will parachute in. But we are going to get health care reform passed" Nancy Pelosi, January 2010.
 A year later, Rep. Upton describes an equal determination to repeal this obamination "piece by piece" if necessary. In the lame duck session, it's important to note that Republicans successfully blocked a $1 billion fund to begin implementing Obama Care. That was the first of many victories to come.
No Back Door Global Warming Taxes!

Chairman Upton is going to be a busy man on Capitol Hill. His next assignment is to overturn the unconstitutional usurpation of Congress's powers by the Obama Administrion which is using the Environmental Protection Agency to rule by fiat to control carbon emissions through regulation. Obama couldn't manage to get similar legislation passed even through a Democrat controlled congress and there's little chance the regulations will stick once congress has it's say.

Incoming Tea Party Winners Vow to STOP the Spending Spree
Also on the airwaves this Sunday were incoming freshmen from both the House and Senate who won their positions with strong Tea Party backing. One of their top priorities is to stop the spending madness of the past few years and begin restoring fiscal sanity to Washington. Battle lines will soon be drawn on this issue as a big fight looms over extending the debt ceiling which is another way of granting Democrats more money to waste.
House GOP to Investigate and Expose Corruption and Incompetence
As GOP Chairmen take over House oversight committees expect fireworks to begin. The Dems used their majority to squelch nearly all investigations of the Obama Administration and as anyone who has been awake the past two years knows, there have been a lot of shenanigans going on. From the sprouting of unaccountable Czars to the Civil Rights attorneys who refused to prosecute voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers there's enough material to keep multiple investigative committees humming for months.
The major investigations will come through the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to be chaired by Darrell Issa (R-CA). Issa recently described the Obama Administration as  "one of the most corrupt administrations" in history.  He will have his hands full and no doubt will walk a fine line between which investigations are absolutely necessary and which would be overkill.
Homeland Security and the War on Terror will also be areas which need intense congressional review. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) will chair the House Intelligence Committee and plans to hold hearings on the Obama Administrations weakness when it comes to tackling the war on terror and questioning suspects.
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) will chair the Homeland Security Committee and he has already announced his plan to hold hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims. Whether this includes a look into the financing and motives of the Ground Zero Mosque in New York remains to be seen.
Incoming GOP Leadership will hit the ground running. Expect to see a flurry of activity with new rules for Congress designed to deliver more of the openness and transparency that Democrats only talked about. We won't win every looming fight on spending and health care but we have to stay united and support the leadership as they do the best they can to serve the interests of the American people who elected them! And above all, we have to hold GOP Leader's feet to the fire to remind them to hold true to their principles!

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