
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Newt Tells Mitt to "Drop the pious baloney"

The idea that Mitt is just this guy from the private sector is just a bit too much!

Romney's latset line of attack on Gingrich and Santorum is to suggest that they are the Washington insiders who have landed us in this mess and he's some kind of new white knight. Well, for someone who has been running on and off for office for nearly 20 years that takes guts to make that claim.

I think Newt is getting a bit fed up with the Romney charm!

From National Journal: Newt Gingrich questioned Mitt Romney over his professed motivations for running for president with a zinger that drew laughs at the Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire on Sunday.

"For me, my career was being in business and starting a business and making it successful," Romney said. "My life's passion is my family, faith and my country. I believe because of the experiences I have had I am in a position to make a contribution to Washington."

Romney went on, trying to expand on his time before the next question went to Gingrich, who quipped: "I realize the red light doesn't mean anything to you because you are the front-runner. But could we drop a little bit of the pious baloney?"

"You ran in 94' and lost, and that's why you were not serving with Santorum," Gingrich said. "You have been running consistently for years and years, and then suddenly citizenship showed up in your mind."

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