Well, you know the answer to that one. A big fat "NO!" Global warming fanatics are in the business of scaring people and when I say business, I mean billions for them and the politicians that support their fraud.
And now, the data. The following chart from The Daily Mail:
Computer models on which global warming theory is based have NOT been proven by observations! |
What happened? The models on which these dire predictions were based were wrong. They failed to take into account something as simple as the Sun's role in heating and cooling. German news magazine Der Spiegel broke the latest news on the sun's role in warming and cooling in an article titled "I Feel Duped on Climate Change." An excerpt:
For the IPCC and the politicians it influences, CO2 is practically the only factor. The importance of the sun for the climate is systematically underestimated, and the importance of CO2 is systematically overestimated. As a result, all climate predictions are based on the wrong underlying facts.The idea that CO2 alone is the primary driver of climate change is either simplistic and misguided at best or fraudulent at worst. The link is easily disproven from a chart I included in a post I did last year "Three Charts Debunk the Manmade Global Warming Myth:"
CO2 is going up but not the temperature. So why limit CO2? MONEY! |
Ooops! Sorry about the doom and gloom!
And what about the doomsayers? They cashed in big on the scare and some will try and cash in on the debunking. Here's what James Lovelock, hailed by Time Magazine as one of the global 13 "Heroes of the Environment," had to say in a book in 2006:
"Before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable."Now, Lovelock has a new book in which he admits "I made a mistake." In an interview with MSNBC, Lovelock admits that he had been “extrapolating too far....The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing." Lovelock makes money either way.
Other scientists who haven't been so out front on the doom and gloom are also recalibrating. Here's a sample from the Daily Mail article:
Time to end the climate scamIt's obvious that there are abundant reasons not to proceed with the radical plans to decrease carbon. Such efforts are already driving up the cost of energy impacting the poor and lower income workers hardest. Yet not one advocate of carbon control can point to any specific anti carbon program and say that it's expensive implementation will do one thing to slow any warming even if carbon were the problem.
To quote the Daily Mail: "So will eco-funded [politicians] stop waging a green crusade with your money? Well... what do YOU think?" Nope. There's too much green at stake to those who are willing to play the game. And it's the rest of us who pay without the slightest benefit for ourselves or the planet. Imagine all the good that could be done to alleviate REAL human problems with all the money wasted on this green scam!
UPDATE: Al Gore calls for carbon tax. Which wouldn't do one thing to stop climate change even if CO2 was the culprit!