
Monday, December 29, 2014

Over 20,000 Cops Mourn NYPD Loss as War on Cops Continues

Obama, Holder, Sharpton and DeBlasio to blame!

The funeral of NYPD's Rafael Ramos on Saturday. More photos at the Daily Mail.
Over 20,000 law enforcement officers from across the nation showed up to honor Ramos. Many turned their backs on Mayor Bill DeBlasio who has blamed problems with the NYPD on racism despite the fact that the department is over 60% non white. Vice President Biden got a better reception when he said the NYPD was "probably the finest police department in the world." Obama, Sharpton and Holder choose not to attend.

Meanwhile the War on Police inspired by Obama, Holder, Sharpton and DeBlasio continues with protests organized by communist groups. Encouraged by the protest a lefty loon in Massachusetts walked into a Framingham police station and tossed raw bacon and sausages saying it was "time to feed the pigs." On the more violent side two police officers in Los Angeles were fired upon as well as two Sheriff Deputies in Pasco County Florida.

13 year old Jaden Ramos, whose father was buried on Saturday, summed up the crisis and his personal loss:

"Everyone says they hate cops but they are the people that they call for help!" Only wrong about one thing Jaden. Not everyone hates cops. And not all of us think they are racists!

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