
Monday, August 22, 2016

Hillary's Hidden Emails FOUND! But Don't Expect to See Until AFTER Election. Plus: Powell Says Hillary Lied

If they were all about yoga lessons and Chelsea's wedding why will it take months to review?

The Washington Times reports that about half of Hillary Clinton's missing emails have been found by the FBI. Nearly 15,000 were recovered and turned over to the State Department which has had them for one month but failed to turn over any required under court order. The State Department has stalled this process from the beginning. Yet, if the emails really were about Hillary's yoga lessons or Chelsea's wedding it would be a simple matter to review and release.

Unless the Federal Court which is overseeing release of Hillary's emails steps in it's highly unlikely that the public will see any of these before the election. The coverup continues.

Colin Powell: Hillary lied about my email recommendation

Hillary added a new lie to her email scandal last week when she claimed former Secretary of State Colin Powell advised her to use a private email account. ""Her people have been trying to pin it on me," Powell, 79, told PEOPLE magazine. Powell advised she use a private email ONLY for non classified work but as Powell points out ""The truth is, she was using [the private email server] for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did."

When asked why Hillary would mischaracterize Powell's advice he responded "why do you think?"

Hillary's emails so sensitive they are kept in guarded vault

The Wall Street Journal has the story that emails recovered by the FBI are available for inspection by relevant congressional committees but are kept in a secure, guarded vault beneath the U.S. Capitol. Unlike Hillary, who left the documents on an unsecure server easily hacked by foreign agents, anyone revealing these documents now would be liable to prosecution. So much for Hillary's claim that she never emailed classified information.

Emails show favors for Clinton Foundation donors

New emails released Monday show favors for Foundation donors. Pay for play!

Of course none of this will get much media coverage. Imagine if Trump did it. The coverup is in full swing and the media will do all it can to shield Hillary!

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