
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

VOTER REGISTRATION ALERT! Take the Initiative and Urge Family and Friends to Register Before Deadline

Trump supporters must reach out to family and friends NOW!

Welcome WTKS AM-1290 FM 97.7 listeners!

Note to regular readers: I'm scheduled to be on the radio with AM Savannah host Bill Edwards Wednesday morning in the 8 AM hour. You can listen live at the link provided here.

I expect that most readers at Mike's America and listeners at AM Savannah are already registered to vote and have re-registered if they moved since they last voted. But each of us is likely to have friends or family members who have not.

Don't wait for the Trump campaign to call and remind you. See the post below which shows how weak the Trump campaign effort is in that regard and recall how two of Trump's own children, Eric and Ivanka, failed to vote for their father in the New York primary because they did not register before the deadline.

In Georgia, you must register before October 11th. You can do so online with a Georgia driver's license. You can also check your registration.

In South Carolina, voters must register before October 8th. Voters may also register online with a South Carolina driver's license and check their registration.

Voters can also contact their local Board of Elections and sign up in person or by mail.

Do you have friends and family in other states who may not be registered? Call and remind them that the deadline is fast approaching and urge them to go online or call their local board of elections to make sure they are registered for their new address.

For Trump to win, his campaign must overcome a well financed and experienced Clinton vote machine. Do your part and make sure family and friends are registered and that they vote. Early voting in many states begins soon. Don't wait!

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