
Saturday, October 08, 2016

Mike's America Takes Direct Hit from #HurricaneMatthew in South Carolina But Power Still On

Record Rain event

UPDATE: Flood Waters Nearly Engulf Mike's America. Power restored at 10 AM.

Flooded street in Mike's America neighborhood. Water came to within two feet of garage and front door.

Here's the GOES image as the storm threatened to come ashore between Savannah, Georgia and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Aimed exactly at yours truly; the black/red area right along the border with Georgia.

Dark red area denotes worst of Hurricane Matthew and covers Mike's America.

Mike's America is in the box northeast of Savannah, Georgia. Note the eyewall of the storm over that area.

As the storm approached heavy rains flooded the street and the water level crept up the yard and the drive towards the house but stopped a few feet short of the garage. Apparently drainage in this community isn't the top priority.

Winds were not terribly high. Under 40 mph for the most part.

One good thing is that the power has remained on throughout. 80% of homes in nearby Savannah and Chatham County lost power at some point.

I'll be on Hilton Head Island as soon as it's safe to do so and get a full report but it's likely to have taken the brunt of the storm in this area. Waves offshore were up to 24 feet.

Spoke too soon. Power went out at 5 AM.

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