
Thursday, October 06, 2016

Why is What Trump Said to Beauty Queen 20 Years Ago Important but Hillary and Kaine Past Statements on Immigration Not?

Hillary/Kaine took hard line on immigration as ELECTED officials. Trump comment to Beauty Queen is irrelevant!

So, when the comment was revealed that Donald Trump fat shamed Alicia Machado, Ms. Universe who later acted as an accomplice to kill a judge in Venezuela, Hillary Clinton tried to use it to portray Trump as anti-woman. Never mind that Hillary herself has been the biggest attacker of women accusing her husband of sexual misconduct. The 20 year old comment by Trump became a three day story in the presidential race.

So why are the more recent comments Hillary and her running mate Tim Kaine made about immigration while they were elected officials commenting on public policy NOT newsworthy today?

From the Daily Caller:
Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine likes to speak in Spanish on the campaign trail in hopes of appealing to Latino voters, but it was in 2005 that he was speaking another language when he lashed out at “the immigration problem” and the “inflood of illegal immigrants” afflicting his home state of Virginia.

“I’m deeply opposed to illegal immigration,” Kaine, then Virginia’s lieutenant governor, said during an Oct. 9, 2005 Virginia gubernatorial debate against Attorney General Jerry Kilgore.

“And I call on the federal government, the president, and immigration services to stop the inflood of illegal immigrants into this country.”
“I’ve supported wide state policies to make sure that we do not provide services to folks in this state who are not here illegally
unless public health or safety demands it,” he said during the October debate.

In a debate the month before, Kaine blasted the federal government’s relaxed immigration policies and weak border enforcement.

“I call on the federal officials and the president to stop it, to enforce the federal laws,” Kaine said.

“There’s a cynicism at the federal level where they pass these laws, they don’t enforce them despite our repeated requests that they do, and then they leave us as states and local governments trying to deal with the consequences of it.”
As a New York senator, Hillary Clinton railed against illegal immigrants and lax border policies.

“I am adamantly against illegal immigrants,” Clinton said during a radio interview in Feb. 2003. “Certainly we’ve got to do more at our borders. People have to stop employing illegal immigrants.”

“Stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx. You’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to get yard work, and construction work, and domestic work,” she continued.
Why is it elected officials Hillary and Kaine get a pass after flip flopping on an important campaign issue yet Trump is held to account what he said 20 years ago as a private citizen?

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