
Saturday, June 01, 2019

A Heroine for Democracy: Voter in Michigan Stands Up and Speaks Truth to Craven Opportunist Trump Hater Rep. Amash (R-MI)

She's a winner on the frontline battle for truth in U.S. politics!

It takes guts to stand up in front of a large audience and give your Congressman a piece of your mind. It also takes intelligence and a sense of purpose to do so in a way that is filled with information. And passion doesn't hurt either.

Anna Timmer has all that in abundance.  Follow her on Twitter and You Tube.

Watch as she rips Amash a new one:

There are MILLIONS more young Americans like this woman in Michigan. Let's hope each one finds the courage to speak out and to organize in time for 2020. Let the disinfectant of true democracy in action wash away the stains of corruption, lies and hate that assail freedom loving Americans!

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