
Sunday, July 14, 2019

ICE Immigration Facility Attacked by Man with Rifle and Bombs: Rhetoric from Dems Inspired Violence

We've heard it all from Democrats in Congress and the media. The government is running "concentration camps" where people are forced to drink toilet water and ICE agents are Nazis.

Those lies have found a ready home in the violent left. The same people who say guns and violence are wrong are often the first to resort to just that!

The attacker is an ANTIFA fascist/terrorist.  He's being hailed as a hero by the left.  Every Democrat needs to be asked if they support ANTIFA!

Previously we have seen numerous examples of left wing street violence. And the attempted massacre of Republican members of Congress by a Bernie Sanders supporter who bought the lies being sold on MSNBC. When is it time to hold these Dems and their media allies accountable for their radical rhetoric? Or do we wait until Democrats are targeted?

And when they are not shooting at government agents or throwing bombs they are pulling down the American flag and raising the Mexican flag:
This is what America haters DO!

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