
Monday, August 05, 2019

If Dems Persist in Blaming Trump and Fundraising Off Shootings Then They Too Must Be Held Accountable for THEIR Words

Sadly, Dem tactics assure that NOTHING will get done to stop shootings. Maybe that's their plan!

Democrats have made it clear that they don't want a solution to the problem of illegal immigration.  They oppose all reasonable solutions and use the issue to divide Americans for political gain.  Same with mass shootings. The bodies from last weekend's shootings were not even cold when Dems took to the airwaves to blame it on Trump and his supporters. One after another 2020 Dem presidential hopefuls blamed Trump (1,2,3). Often using the most outrageous and inflammatory rhetoric to do so.

Here is a small sample:
HARRIS: "We have a president of the United States who uses the microphone, which is probably one of the most powerful tools in the hand of the president of the United States, and uses that microphone in a way that is about sowing hate and division in our country."

GILLIBRAND: "He’s not only egging on white supremacy and white nationalism, but he is one himself."

KLOBUCHAR: "I believe that the president is fostering hate in this country."

CASTRO: "The manifesto that apparently this shooter wrote that says that Hispanics are taking over the state of Texas and changing the country, this echoes the kind of language that our president encourages."

BOOKER: "Donald Trump is responsible for this."

O'ROURKE: "President Trump had a lot to do with what happened in El Paso yesterday."

SANDERS: "I say to President Trump, please stop the racist anti-immigrant rhetoric," he said. "Stop the hatred in this country which is creating the kind of violence that we see."
That's ironic coming from Bernie Sanders since it was one of HIS SUPPORTERS who tried to massacre GOP Congressmen at baseball practice. And I didn't mention the Idiot Ocasio-Cortez who also blamed Trump even after one of her supporters citing her Green New Deal and other extremist left wing policies attempted to shoot up and firebomb a government facility. The man was an Antifa supporter and proudly proclaimed it but neither Ocasio-Cortez or any Democrat would condemn Antifa.

Finally, Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian. She blamed Trump too. "Donald Trump has created plenty of space for hate. He is a racist. He has made one racist remark after another. He has put in place racist policies. And we've seen the consequences of it," she said.

Someone needs to ask Ms. Warren why it was one of HER SUPPORTERS who killed 9 people in Dayton Ohio on Saturday night. Like the Bernie inspired shooter and the Ocasio-Cortez Antifa the Dayton shooter was an avowed socialist and not shy about saying so. He supported Elizabeth Warren.

As for the El Paso shooter the hate Trump media has been very selective about telling the American people what he believed. They trumpeted some anti-immigration comments he made and Dems amplified that message to blame Trump What they did NOT say is that he is also a SOCIALIST.

Here's what the Trump hating media left out of the reports on the El Paso shooter who said:
“The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste. And recycling to help slow this down is almost nonexistent.”
Sound familiar? He could have copied that from any of the Democrat debates or candidate platforms.
Again, note that NOT ONE DEMOCRAT has come out and condemned Antifa violence.

Trump added:
NOT ONE DEM has come forward to offer a message of unity and to work together on issues such as mental health. They are all too busy using these tragedies as fundraising tools. They don't care about these crimes anymore than they do about the dozens of black people who were killed in cities run by Democrats (1,2) this same weekend with barely a mention in the Trump hating media.

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